About Big E-Z Bookkeeping
Empowering small businesses, nonprofit organizations, and individuals to streamline their financial management with ease
Big E-Z is a woman- and U.S.-veteran-owned business founded in 1989.
Our systems have been used by thousands of small businesses, nonprofits, clubs, groups, and individuals. Michelle Carley, founder and 30+ year bookkeeper, developed all the Big E-Z products after seeing firsthand the need for affordable, user-friendly accounting systems.
Big E-Z products come with professional-quality reports, exceptional customer service, and a free trial of our software, giving you the confidence to focus on growing your business while we take care of the numbers.
The History of Big E-Z Bookkeeping
As a child growing up in Detroit, I could often be found writing on a chalkboard. I was always trying to teach one of my younger siblings or neighbors’ kids how to do math—whether they liked it or not!
In my teenage years I had a job at Murray Discount Auto Stores, where I learned how to keep books using an old pegboard system with one-write checks. This was a paper columnar ledger sheet with all its rows and columns—many years before Microsoft came out with Excel.
When I worked at NAPA Auto Parts headquarters in Dearborn, MI, I learned accounting the old-fashioned way—by posting a manual general ledger with all the debits and credits, assets and liabilities, etc. I continued my love of teaching by volunteering to help small businesses set up their bookkeeping systems. I quickly learned that people were struggling with accounting concepts and reconciliations. My answer was a paper bookkeeping system with no accounting terms. I taught the system I developed for many years.
From my mother I learned the value of efficiency and eliminating waste. I root for the underdog and have a special place in my heart for struggling small business owners. Accounting and organized recordkeeping are crucial for their success.
Today’s small businesses, nonprofits, clubs, groups, and self-employed individuals are being sold bookkeeping systems that are far too complex, cumbersome, time-consuming, and expensive for their needs.
At Big E-Z we’ve blended the old-fashioned general ledger accounting with the number-crunching power of Excel and the collaboration features of Google Sheets. Each year, we’ve tweaked the system based on users’ requests. It’s what I like to call a simplified, double-entry accounting system that automatically produces an income statement, balance sheet, trial balance, and cash flow reports.
Save time and money with us, and perhaps put those extra funds toward more advanced services your accountant can provide, such as projections and financial ratios to help compare your business with its competitors. We want to see you get ahead!
Award Winning
- Outstanding Business Practices Award from the National Entrepreneurs Association (NEA)
- Most Needed Product of the Year Award from the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO)
Try Our Demo Company
Want to see our software live in-action? Our sample company will give you a quick overview of how easy to use our accounting software can be.
Stellar Support
We are here to help you succeed! Get help from a certified bookkeeper.

We Partnered with the University of Michigan.
Because usability matters, we partnered with the UX Lab (UXL) at the University of Michigan’s School of Information to provide user-centered services which improved the design, functionality, and experience of our Big E-Z Accounting for Google Sheets software.