Copy Your Categories from a Previous Year’s Big E-Z Books Workbook

You can copy your categories and subcategories into the new year from your previous year’s workbook.

Step 1. After installing another license, open both your new workbook and last year’s workbook.

Step 2. Go to the first period Deposits in both workbooks.

Step 3. Copy Main Category columns headings L through U, Y through AC from last year’s workbook and paste into the same column headings in the new workbook.

Step 4. Copy Subcategories column headings AO 1 through up to EG 100 and paste into the same column headings in the new workbook.

Step 5. Go to the first period Checks in both workbooks.

Step 6. Copy Main Category columns headings L through AI from last year’s workbook and paste into the same column headings in the new workbook.

Step 7. Copy Subcategories column headings AX 1, rows 3 – 5 through up to ES 100 and paste into the same column headings in the new workbook.

Now you should see all your categories and subcategories for all the months in the new workbook.